


The places you live, work and play have a direct impact on well-being. 91porn视频鈥檚 commitment to improve well-being grew out of our mission to live God鈥檚 love and from the needs we see in the communities we serve.

91porn视频 is presented with the opportunity to bring healthcare, philanthropy, public health, human services, government, community members and business owners together to foster a path to more well-being. This is part of our Growth operating pillar, which guides us as we expand networks of care to create community relevance and well-being.

Blue Zones

91porn视频 has acquired , a pioneer in taking a systemic and environmental approach to improving the health of entire cities and communities. Blue Zones focuses on helping impact communities where people live, work, and play to infuse healthy choices, enhance connections, instill purpose, and fuel hope. Rather than relying solely on individual behavior change, Blue Zones focuses on optimizing environments to improve health by design.

Associate Well-Being

Authentic and long-lasting happiness is rooted in purpose, connected to faith and driven by strong relationships and a positive outlook. At Adventist Health, our mission to live God鈥檚 love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope compels us to live it first with our own team members so that they can thrive personally and professionally.

We accomplish this through events, well-being challenges and incentives, and robust resources to support each person living better, longer and experiencing professional, financial, physical, mental, spiritual and social health. We are also pursuing Blue Zones Campus certification at many of our locations. This effort is creating an environment and culture where an experience of well-being is tangible and self-care is a priority for every associate.